Netgain Healthcare IT Blog | machine learning

2017 HIMSS Conference Review: 5 Key Takeaways

Posted by Phil Wocken - Netgain's Director of Marketing on Feb 24, 2017 2:43:45 PM

For anyone who has attended the annual HIMSS conference, you know it can be overwhelming. 2017’s HIMSS Annual Conference was no different, with over 40,000 health IT professionals and 1,200+ exhibitors sprawled across what seemed like miles of exhibit hall space at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. It was abundantly clear that this year, the healthcare industry is hungry for technology solutions to drive efficiency and improve patient experiences.

Much of the buzz at the event was centered on a handful of core topics, so we wanted to share some of those key takeaways here for those of you who weren’t able to make it out to Orlando this year.

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Topics: HealthIT, cloud-computing, IT security, cloud security, Cloud Adoption, data storage, Reviews, interoperability, integrations, himss, machine learning

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