Netgain Healthcare IT Blog | PHI

8 HIPAA-Related Questions To Ask A Potential Hosting Provider

Posted by Netgain Blog Team on Oct 30, 2014 9:58:00 AM

HIPAA was created primarily to protect the confidentiality and security of healthcare information.  As a physician’s practice, you are responsible for ensuring you use HIPAA compliant IT service vendors, particular those who store and transmit your data.

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Topics: HIPAA, PHI, Hosting Provider

Is Your Hospital's PHI at Risk?

Posted by Netgain Blog Team on Jul 2, 2014 11:47:19 AM

The importance of cybersecurity has received a lot of news attention lately with Target and eBay both making headlines due to massive IT security breaches involving people’s financial information. Huge numbers of individuals were forced to cancel their credit cards as well as their bank and PayPal accounts and open new ones.  The risk of hackers discovering a person’s financial information was great, but the remedy, although inconvenient, was fairly simple.

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Topics: Security Breaches,, PHI, personal health information

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