6 Types of People You'll Need to Hire for your Healthcare IT Team

6 Types of People You'll Need to Hire for your Healthcare IT Team

Posted by Netgain Blog Team on Jun 17, 2014 12:28:00 PM

medium_14089974985Putting together a healthcare IT team does not have to intimidate you.  In fact, many of the critical members on any healthcare IT team are not what you normally imagine when you think of technology jobs.  Your existing infrastructure already employs many people who should be part of that team. Others may need to be added to your company in order to pave the way to an increasingly tech-oriented future.

Six Critical Staff Members for Healthcare IT

This list describes just a few people who are most important in terms of information technology within a healthcare business.  Always be prepared to coordinate with or employ others when you tackle new problems, such as the upcoming transition to ICD-10.

  • CIO

Decades ago, people thought of CEOs when they thought of important businessmen.  CFOs were equally recognized for their importance in the structure and maintenance of any powerful company. In the Internet age, the Chief Information Officer has acquired a similar level of respect.  This administrator will bring knowledge and expertise to the team and also provide updates on the most current needs of the company.

  • IT Operations Analyst

This employee monitors your systems as they function.  You will need to have several of them available in an operation of almost any size.  These are the some of the best people with whom to consult when your IT healthcare team wants to solve existing problems or troubleshoot different scenarios that might come up.  Experienced analysts will already be diagnosing problems and solving them as a part of their daily work.

  • IT Technician

While analysts determine how to solve many of the day-to-day problems that crop up in IT, they need technicians to implement those solutions.  An IT healthcare technician is able to understand the language used specifically in this realm of operations and put his or her hands on the equipment to make required changes.

Critical for this employee is the ability to work with a broad spectrum of systems and devices, including hardware in both the PC and Apple families.  Your healthcare IT is not just limited to the computers on the desks of administrators, doctors and nurses.  It also includes mobile devices using a wide variety of applications.

  • ICD-10 Coordinator

Major issues come and go in the IT realm.  You cannot afford to spend too much time, effort and money focusing on each one.  However, the transition to ICD-10 has become an unprecedented problem for many businesses in healthcare.  For the time being, your IT team should include at least one person who is keeping his or her eye on the ball with regard to this future event.

  • Informatics RN

This is a fast-growing field that includes physicians, pharmacists and nurses.  The purpose of the work involved is to increase quality of care while maintaining high-efficiency in terms of cost.  The field integrates computer science, nursing skills and a variety of information technology.  This team member will be central for every task, from ICD-10 transition to simply updating systems.

  • Systems Administrator

The success of any development will be impaired or enhanced by the ability of present systems to handle the change.  This staff member will help the team to understand limitations and potential in what the company already owns and utilizes.

You will need to add or subtract from your healthcare IT team to meet different challenges. However, you can count on needing these essential members for almost any healthcare IT problem that may develop.  Netgain is a healthcare information technology provider prepared to assist hospitals and physician practices with all of their IT system needs.

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Photo credit: flazingo_photos via photopin cc

Topics: healthcare IT, IT team

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